Yesterday with 20 minutes to kill between meetings I decided to go window shopping in Tottenham Court Road. Looking into the Sony Shop and I spy the new Network Walkman has arrived.
I hand over my card and am presented with my latest Sony gadget. Once I get home and everyone has updated me on their day at school I finally have time to myself and unpack my new toy. After 10 minutes setting up SonicStage I can finally load up my machine, two hours later I have downloaded 700 songs onto my tiny music machine, but is bedtime and I have an early start.
Never before has the MetLine felt so acceptable as this morning I stand waiting for the tube happily lost in my youth listening to The Jam. Now at lunch I sit checking emails and doing some surfing with Joan Armatrading.
So far have to say that this beats my iPOD experience. My little silver jukebox has all I want on it at the moment, over the weekend I will discover how to do more than just listen to my music so that I can "inform" the iBores just how they have made a mistake.
Best early birthday present I have had in many a year ;-)